Displaying biomarker statistics + leaderboards
Muttonn vDv
I love the app so far but believe that it could benefit from perhaps more biomarkers overall with a menu to visualise all the data trends over time.
Another thing that’d be really good for gamification would be if the app compared the biomarkers with the chronological age of the person to show their progress. Perhaps the app could also compare their progress with the progress of other people whom are of similar bodies using relevant factors and data points like height, weight, sex, etc. to give people more insight into their overall longevity “score”.
This is all just an idea; Like if their biomarkers indicate their speed of aging (if that’s how it works) is bracketed in the top x% of people their age or people aged 18, they would feel a sense of accomplishment and probably get those dopamine spurts you get from completing objectives in games or seeing yourself too frag in an fps.
Leaderboards could also gamify this further where the scores you could get for each biomarker could be placed on a global or local leaderboard.
A specific version of this leaderboard page could maybe even be a comparison page of the user’s relative speed of aging increase compared to their relevant “group” (based off those aforementioned variables like height, etc.) COMPARED again with Bryan Johnson’s speed of aging increase compared with his own “relative group” n’ such.
Hope people get the jist of what I’m suggesting. I just had some ideas for what this could become someday. Oh and when I say increase of speed of aging I really mean decrease.